If you are looking for a place where you can develop, co-create and succeed, then Medis is definitely the right choice for you.Maja RojšekManaging Director Human Resources Management

Strong Relationships and Healthy Values

Our team consists of more than 400 employees from 19 countries in Europe. Driven by a mission to provide patients with access to modern, effective, and safe treatments, we work with dedication, commitment and our hearts.

We are the region's leading company for comprehensive commercialization of innovative prescription medicines, hospital and over-the-counter medicines, food supplements, medical devices and medical equipment.

Open Positions

Strong relationships and healthy values, continuous investment in development and education, creative work in an international environment, a broad portfolio of innovative pharmaceutical products – these are the key reasons why ambitious and competent people choose to work for us.

7.2 years

average length of employment at Medis


of employees have university education

50 hours

of trainings annually per employee

When you wake up in the morning and know that your work day is going to be challenging, but you still go to work every day full of energy and motivation. If you know you have all the freedom you need to be creative and productive while contributing to our collective success - all in a stimulating, positive and safe environment - then Medis is the right place for you. Maja RojšekChief Human Resources Officer

Our Culture

  • Happy and committed employees
  • Dedicated to continuous employee training and development
  • Collaboration and team spirit
  • Exceptional customer and partner relationships
  • Responsible to the environment, society and business practices 

35th Anniversary

In celebration of our anniversary, travel through time with us, as we retrace key milestones that have shaped our 35-year history!

Visit Timeline