Quality Assurance
Medis is committed to providing its clients with the absolute highest-quality services available. Our Quality Policy is the strategic cornerstone of our company.
Our Quality Policy is a commitment to:
- Continually improve the performance of the Quality Management system
- Provide quality services that meet the needs and requirements of our customers
- Promote continuous progress in all our areas of work
- Care for our customers and always striving to exceed their expectations
- Develop excellent relationships with our suppliers and service providers
- Act in accordance with the highest ethical standards
- Monitor management systems in accordance with legal requirements, product safety, and occupational safety and health
- Encourage our employees’ continuous training and personal development
- Provide our employees with a safe and healthy working environment
- Care for the environment, culture, and business ethics
Quality Management System
Our quality management system complies with:
- The guidelines of good manufacturing practice for medicinal products (EU Directive 2003/94/EC)
- The guidelines of good distribution practice for medicinal products (EU guidelines 2013/C 343/01)
- The international standard ISO 9001:2015 for the marketing and distribution of medical and pharmaceutical products, which ensures the highest level of patient safety through close monitoring of medicines and medical devices
- The information security management system according to the ISO/IEC 27001:2022 standard, which ensures comprehensive protection of sensitive data, minimizes security risks and ensures compliance with international security standards through advanced security measures and continuous improvements.
The company's management is committed to developing and implementing our Quality Management System, and to continuously improving performance.Nadija Hlača Vravnik Managing Director Quality Assurance Department